Release 1.4 - 25/Feb/2017

Release 1.4 - 25/Feb/2017

QMetry Test Management for JIRA 1.4, Release Date : JIRA Cloud on Feb 25th, 2017


QMetry is proud to announce version 1.4 which comes with some cool new features and UI improvements listed below, for all QMetry Test Management for JIRA users.
New Features

  1. Test Execution Screen has been revamped; which now gives more control to the user with ease of updating the Test Results quicker than before.
  2. Test Execution Screen - Major Improvement that allows extensive search and more filters to easily filter out the tests during execution.
  3. Test Execution Screen - Ability to Bulk Update Test Results based on specific criteria for Test Scenarios and/or underlying Action Steps and Step Units as well.
  4. Test Execution Screen - Ability to Export Test Execution Data based on filters applied right from the Test Run screen.
  5. Test Execution Screen - Ability to view Test Scenario and Action Step Level Result Statistics backed by Pie Charts for end to end trace-ability for Test Results.
  6. Test Execution Screen - Ability to customize the Test Run screen which allows you to re-organize and resize the columns. These customizations are auto saved and are user-specific.
  7. New comprehensive Edit functionality of Test Run allows you to change the scope of Test Run and also re-arrange Test Scenarios.
  8. Improved Test Run Clone which now allows users to copy over Defects linkages or Test Scenarios with a particular Status to the new clone if required.
  9. Test Runs can be cloned with the ability and flexibility to select Test Scenarios with multiple Test Results as a part of the cloned Test Run.

Upgrade Instructions

All JIRA Cloud instances are upgraded with the new version on 25th Feburary.

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