Audit Log Report

Audit Log Report

Audit Log is generated for the events, like Create, Update, Delete, Move, Copy, Archive, Unarchive, Clone, Add, and Remove, that take place in QMetry during specified period. If a particular project is not selected, the report displays events occurred across Projects.

The report includes the following details:

  • Project: The Project in which the action carried out.
  • User: User who carried out the event.
  • Date: The date on which the event took place.
  • Module: Impacted module due to creation, updation or deletion of test assets.
  • Event: It contains actions like Create, Updated, and Delete.
  • Entity Key: The Entity Key of the test asset.

By default the report is generated for the current project and logged-in user.

You can apply the following filters to the Audit Log records:

  • Project: Multiple projects can be selected to generate the report.
  • User: Multiple users can be selected to generate the report.
  • Module: Multiple modules can be selected to generate the report.
  • Event: Multiple events can be selected to generate the report.
  • Entity Key
  • Start Date - End Date: Select from From and To Date.

The report is generated for the set filter. 

Schedule Emails to Send Reports

You can share updated reports on regular basis to stakeholders. QMetry offers the flexibility to schedule emails that will contain PDF of report details.

To schedule outbound emails at particular frequency, click on the Schedule button for the report that you want to share. The report details will be sent in PDF to recipients as per defined schedule. 

The Schedule icon turns green as soon as the email is scheduled.

Scheduler History: The Scheduler History button is located adjacent to the Scheduler button. Click on the Scheduler History button to view the history of scheduled reports.