Create Test Suites from Requirements/Folders

Create Test Suites from Requirements/Folders


QMetry allows users to quickly create a test suite directly from a requirement/folder by copying the common fields from the requirement to the test suite and linking associated test cases to the test suite. User should have proper role rights related to the Test Suite module, which are assigned from Customization > Roles.

Note: The test suites will be only created when the requirement has test cases linked with it. In case of creating a test suite from a requirement folder, at least one of the requirement should have test case associated to it.

This feature is useful –

  • when users have ready requirements with relevant test cases linked with them.
  • when users want to directly jump onto the test suite execution as soon as the requirement is added.
  • when users want to track execution of requirements with the same name as test suites and with the same values for common fields.

Create Test Suite from Requirement Folder

Test Suite is created with the requirement folder name. The test suite will link all the test cases associated with the requirements in the folder.

Right click on the requirement folder and select the Create Test Suite from Folder option.


  • Users should have “Create” rights for the Test Suite module.
  • To create test suite from Requirement folder, the requirements should have test cases linked to them. The count of these test cases will be displayed while creating test suite from requirement. 
  • The folder should have requirement(s) within it. If the folder does not have any requirement, then test suite will not be created out of the folder.

The “Create Test Suite from Folder” option will only be available if the mentioned pre-requisites are fulfilled.

Create Test Suite from Requirement

If a test suite is being added from a requirement folder, then all the test cases associated with requirements within that folder will be linked to newly created test suite.

The Create Test Suite from Requirement option is available at the following places:

  • On the Requirement list view, click on the inline cog icon provided for individual requirements and select the Create Test Suite from Requirement option.
  • On the Requirement detail page, click on the cog icon at the top right corner and select the Create Test Suite from Requirement option.


  • User should have the “Create” rights for the Test Suite module
  • Requirements should have test cases linked to them.
  • Existing requirement or its version should not be archived 

The “Create Test Suite from Requirement” option will only be available if the mentioned pre-requisites are fulfilled.

  • Field Values: Test Suite details for Name and other common fields are auto populated from the requirement the test suite is added from. User can make required changes in the details.
  • Associated Releases & Associated Cycles: Test Suite will have Associated Releases and Associated Cycles selected while test suite creation.
  • If the user wants to add more test cases to the older requirement and creates a test suite again from it, then a duplicate test suite is created.
  • Once the test suite is created, link platforms to the test suite if not linked.
  • The user can then assign testers and track test execution history as other test suites.
  • The test suite created from a requirement remains as an independent entity. Any changes that take place later in the requirement, do not affect or update the test suite created from that requirement.

When requirements are synced with (imported from) Jira

You can also create a test suite from requirement folder that contains requirements imported from Jira. Right Click on the folder in which external entities are imported and select the Create Test Suite from Folder option.

Test Suites can also be created from the Requirement folder that includes internal and external requirements in it. Test Suites are created with all the test cases that are linked with the requirements in the folder.