

Analytics provides a detailed view of execution results. Users can study and analyze the executions looking at the different statistics like Total Test Suites, Total Test Cases, Total Passed, Total Failed, Total Skipped, and Total Duration of the test run.

QAS Reports are available under the Analytics menu.

  • Test Recorder Report: It displays execution reports for the execution carried out through test recorder for web and mobile web.

  • Command Line Report: It displays execution reports generated through terminal/command line executions.

Here are a few key points related to Analytics reports:

  • Users can drill down to the details of individual test suites to get details of Environment and test cases.

  • Currently QMetry Test Management and Jira can be integrated as defect management to log issues directly from Test Reports.

  • QMetry Test Management can be set as Default to log issues. Refer to Integration with QTM.

  • If Jira is integrated with QAS, then issues can be logged into Jira when test cases fail. Refer to Log Issues in Jira.

  • If both integrations are present in QAS, then priority will be given to QMetry Test Management and issues will be logged into it.


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