Test Execution Screen Detail View


Test Suite Execution screen is used for performing Manual Testing and scheduling Automation Testing by QA teams. Test suites are executed on different platforms and the run results derived therefrom are marked on the screen. There are two views available for the test execution screen: Default View and Detail View. You can select the view as per your preference. This page refers to the Detail View of test execution screen. To read about Default View of test execution screen, refer to .

Users can opt to view the Detail View of the execution screen from the test execution default view. The Detail View of execution screen shows the test case execution details grouped in different tabs on a single screen. You can also change the sequence of the tabs through drag and drop operation. The preferences are saved as per each user.

On the execution screen, the Default View of the execution screen is available by default.

To switch to the Detail View of the execution screen, click on the Switch to Detail View button at the top.

Test Run Detail View

The Test Run Detail View screen opens.

Platform Attributes:

If any Platform Attributes are tagged for runtime, then a pop-up like the following appears to edit Runtime Attributes when you click on the Switch to Detail View button. You can provide attribute values on the Execution Screen either at run time or afterward.


The Test Run Detail View screen has Filters panel to apply Basic and Advanced filters to search the entities.

Filter Test Cases on Detail View Screen

Users can apply Basic Filters as well as Advanced Filters on the Execution Screen, which allows quick filter of test cases. Users can easily filter test cases by any system/custom fields of test cases.

  1. Basic Filters: By default, basic filters are provided, which includes system defined fields of test case.

  2. Advanced Filters: If users need more fields to filter test cases, then click on the '+' icon. It opens the drop-down with a list of additional system and user defined fields for test case. Select the field you want to apply filter on. The filter parameter is added as Advanced Filters. Apply filter as per your requirement.

Execute Individual Test Cases

Select the execution status for the test case under the Execution Status column.

Log Issues

On the Test Run Detail View, click on the Bug icon for the test case with which you want to link the issue.

It navigates you to the Issues tab of Test Case Run Detail View. Refer to the Issues Tab for more details.

Add Attachments

To add an attachment to the test case, click on the Attachment icon for that test case. Refer to for more details.

It navigates you to the Attachments tab of the Test Case Run Detail View. Refer to Attachments Tab for more details.

Add Comments

To add a comment to the test case, click on the Comment icon for the test case.

It navigates you to the Execution Comments tab of the Test Case Run Detail View. Refer to the Execution Comments Tab for more details.

Tagging Users in a Comment

You can tag QMetry users in the Comments section, which improves collaboration among the team. An email notification will be triggered to the user who is tagged on adding/updating the comment.

QMetry users can be tagged by their usernames in the Comments section. For example, @<username>

Actual Attended Time (mins)

There are two ways you can input time details in the column:
(A) Enter the time manually by clicking on the cell.
(B) Activate the stopwatch timer to calculate the time and get it auto-entered for the test execution. The time is captured by the timer. You can edit the time manually at any time.

The stopwatch is displayed for every test case execution run when you hover over the cell under the Actual Attended Time (mins) column on the execution screen.

Use Case: Testers want to focus on test execution without bothering about recording the time manually. Hence, they need a stopwatch timer that auto-calculates the time they spent executing the test case.


  • Time will not get saved if it is less than 1 minute.

  • The stopwatch calculates the time in Hours:Minutes:Seconds and saves the time in completed minutes.

  • The stopwatch timer is user-specific. The stopwatch functions distinctively for individual users even when they are executing their respective test cases under a single test suite.

Stopwatch Status Icons






Start Timer: The stopwatch timer initiates and begins recording time.


Pause: Once the stopwatch timer is started, the tester can pause the timer temporarily and can resume again.


Resume: Once the stopwatch time is paused, the tester can resume the timer.  


Reset: It will reset the stopwatch timer back to 00:00.


Stop and Save Timer: Tester will click this option to Stop the timer. Clicking on it should save the calculated time in the field Actual Attended Time as Minutes. This will only appear when the SW is in Start or Paused state. Clicking on it should save the time calculated by the SW.


Edit Timer: It allows you to edit the test execution time manually.


Start Timer

Stopwatch timer started


Stop Timer

Actual Attended Time recorded through the stopwatch timer

When the stopwatch timer will auto-stop?

  • When the user changes the status of all the steps in the test case and changes the status of the last step, the stopwatch stops automatically and saves the recorded time. 

  • When the stopwatch timer is started and the user navigates to another test case or moves to some other screen in QMetry, the stopwatch stops automatically and saves the recorded time.

  • If the stopwatch timer is started and the user logs out or closes the tab while executing, then the stopwatch stops. The time does not get recorded.

  • If the stopwatch timer is started and the user directly changes the test case execution status, then the stopwatch stops.  

  • Configuration of the Derive Test Case Execution status from Test Case step status option in the Project Settings:

(A) If the Derive Test Case Execution status from Test Case step status option is disabled in the Project Setting: When a test step status is marked as “Failed” or “Blocked”, the stopwatch timer does not stop.

(B) If the Derive Test Case Execution status from Test Case step status option is enabled in the Project Setting:

→ Default Scenarios: During execution when a test step status is marked as “Failed” or “Blocked”, the test case status also changes to “Failed” or “Blocked”. In this case, the timer automatically stops.

→ Custom Configuration of Execution Status for stopwatch timer:

Note: This feature is only available if you have purchased the Customization App of QMetry Test Management.

  • Prerequisite: The Derive Test Case Execution status from Test Case step status option in Project Settings should be enabled.

    • Auto Stop Timer: The option is provided to enable/disable the auto stop timer when the execution status of the test case step is set as particular execution status. By default, the “Failed” and “Blocked” statuses are selected. It means whenever the test step status is assigned the status of Failed/Blocked, the test case status will also change to Failed/Blocked. Once the test case status is assigned, the timer will auto-stop. You can enable/disable the option for required execution statuses.

→ Required Permission: Project Admin/ users who have Customization “Modify” permission can edit this project-level Execution Status setting.

Bulk Operations

You can perform the following bulk operations:

  • Execution Status

  • Execution Type

  • Assignee

  • Issues

  • Sync with Latest Version

Refer to for more details.

Assign Build for Test Executions

Refer to for more details.

You can associate latest version of the test case to the test suite from the Detail View Execution screen by syncing test case version. You can sync a single as well as multiple test case versions to latest ones.

Refer to for more details.

Sync a Single Test Case to Latest Version

Bulk Sync Test Cases to Latest Version

Test Result Log

The Test Result Log displays detailed information about each test.

Refer to for more details.

Change Log

The Change Log displays displays logs of the following activities carried out on the execution screen for a particular Test Execution.

Refer to for more details.


You can export test executions in Excel.

Refer to for more details.


Export Test Execution to PDF

Refer to Export from Execution Screen.

Test Case Run Detail View

To view the test case run detail view, hover over the test case. Click on the Eye icon visible on hover over the test case.

It opens the detail view of the test case.

The panel at left displays test cases linked to the test suite.

The top section of the screen displays the test case run details.

You can view the following details for the test case on the execution screen.

  • Build Name: The drop-down shows values entered in Projects > Builds.

  • Assignee: Assignee assigned from the execution screen.

  • Executed by: User who has executed the test case.

  • Actual Setup Time: The actual time required to set up the test case.

  • Actual Attended Time: The actual time that is taken for executing the test case.

  • Issues Count

  • Attachment Count

  • Comments Count

  • Execution Result

The counts can be clicked to open its relevant tab below.

The area below the top section includes the Steps and other tabs.


The left side of the screen shows the test case list section. You can click on the test case to view its detail view at the right.

A. Search test cases by Key/Summary

B. Easy to identify the execution status of each test case just by looking at the vertical line of the test case.

C. Stopwatch Timer: Click on the Edit icon to record the execution time.

D. Count of Issues: Clicking on this button opens the Issues tab below.

E. Count of Attachments: Clicking on this button opens the Attachments tab below.

F. Comments: Clicking on this button opens the Comments tab below.

G. Assign Execution Status to the test case.

H. Clear Sorting

I. Arrange Columns

J. Step View: List View/Detail View

Test Case Details

The following tabs are there on the execution screen. You can also change the sequence of the tabs through drag and drop operation. The preferences are saved as per each user.

  • Steps

  • Details

  • Requirements

  • Issues

  • Attachments

  • Execution Comments

  • Audit Log

Steps Tab

You can opt to view steps either in List View or in Grid View.

Steps in List View

Open the List View to view the step details organized vertically.

Steps in Detail View

Open the Details View to view the step detail in a row.

Users also have the option to (A) Expand individual steps or (B) Expand all steps at a time.

Enable Steps Custom Fields

Click on the Arrange Columns drop-down for the Steps tab and select the fields you want to show on the screen.

Details Tab

The Details tab in the Detail View of the execution screen displays details entered for the test cases in the Test Cases module, which makes it convenient for testers to view them directly on the execution screen. The Test Case Version is displayed along with the Test Case Key.

Requirements Tab

The “Requirements" tab enables testers to view requirements associated with the test case under execution.

Issues Tab

You can created a new issue or link existing issues to the test case. You can also view linked issues to the test case in this tab. For a linked bug, the Linkage Level displays whether the issue is logged at the test case level or test step level. You can unlink a bug from its place of linkage. Read more details on .

Attachments Tab

The Attachments tab lists down all the attachments added from the Test Cases module as well as from the execution screen. You can filter attachments based on their Attachment Level.

The Attachment Level column displays at which level the attachment has been linked - to a Test Case or a test step in the Test Case module or on the execution screen. You can delete an attachment from its place of linkage. Read more details on .

Execution Comments Tab

Use the Execution Comments tab to write your comments. It facilitates smooth communication between two teams/groups.

Tagging Users in A Comment

You can tag QMetry users in the Comments section, which improves collaboration among the team. An email notification will be triggered to the user who is tagged on adding/updating the comment.

QMetry users can be tagged by their usernames in the Comments section. For example, @<username>

Audit Log Tab

The Audit Log tab consists of two sections: Test Result Log and Change Log.

→ Test Result Log: The section displays test result execution log for the test case. You can expand the test case and drill down to view the steps.



→ Change Log: The section record the change log for that particular test case.


Assign Execution Status

The testers assign execution result to the respective test case or test steps for tracking the testing progress.

Assign Status to Test Case

There are two ways you can assign execution result to a test case:

A. The execution result drop-down is displayed at the top of the screen. Select the execution result you want to assign to the test case.


B.  The test cases associated with the test suite are displayed on the panel at left. Select the result you want to assign to the test case directly by clicking on the result icon on the left panel.

Test Run Details: To view the test run details, click on the info icon at the top.

Assign Status to Test Step


Open the Steps tab and select the status that you want to assign to the step.

You can link issues and attachments to the step.

A. Click on the Bug icon to link issues to the step.

B. Click on the Attachment icon to link attachments to the step.

Automation Error Trace

If the automated test case fails, then you can view the relevant error details for the test case by clicking on the icon at the top.


Share Test Execution Runs with Other Users

Users can share the test assets with other users over email. The recipient user will receive an email containing the asset summary with the Message written while sharing the asset and a link navigating to the particular asset. It helps the recipient users easily access the test asset.


  1. Go to the Test Suite > Test Executions.

  2. Click on the Share icon at the top. The Share pop-up opens.

  3. Enter the Email Address of the user with whom you want to share the asset. You can mention multiple email addresses to share the test asset with multiple users at a time.

  4. Enter the required message that you want to convey to the recipient of the email.

  5. Click on the Share button.

Copy Test Asset Link

You can copy the link of the test asset to share it further with other team members. It helps you to get the specific test asset and share it with other users through email or chat. The other users with whom the link is shared can access the test asset directly from the link.

→ The following is the syntax of the URL:


For example,


  1. Go to the Test Suite > Test Executions.

  2. Click on the Share icon at the top. The Share pop-up opens.

  3. Click on the Copy Link button.

The test asset link gets copied to the clipboard. You can share this link with other team members, whom you want to work on the test asset, either through email or chat or any other communication means.