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Test Execution Screen Default View
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Execute Test Suites
- 3 Attachments
- 5 Execute Individual Test Cases
- 6 Execution Status of Test Cases with Parameterized Values
- 7 View Statistics of Execution
- 8 Bulk Operations
- 9 Assign Build for Test Executions
- 10 Create New Build
- 11 Link Latest Test Case Version at Run-time
- 12 Test Result Log
- 13 Change Log
- 14 Export Test Execution
- 15 Share Test Execution Runs with Other Users
Test Suite Execution screen enables Manual Testing and scheduling Automation Testing by QA teams. Test suites are executed on different platforms and the run results are marked on this screen. There are two views available for test execution screen - Default View and Detail View.
You can select the view as per your preference. This page refers to the Default View of test execution screen.
To read about Detail View of test execution screen, refer to Test Execution Screen Detail View.
Execute Test Suites
Open the test suite detail page and open the Test Execution tab.
Execution Time and Remaining Time
Users can view Execution Time and Remaining Time calculated for Test Execution.
Use Case: Calculation of Execution Time and Remaining Time for test suite is useful for QA Manager in Test Planning as it gives accurate estimates for the test suite. These test case level estimates refine each time a test suite is executed. Testers can make recommendations to have the test estimates revised based on the last few executions in different environments.
Two columns Execution Time and Remaining Time are added on the grid at the following places in the application:
Test Suite detail page > Test Executions tab
Test Case detail page > Test Executions tab
Issue detail page > Execution Runs
Calculation of Execution Time of a test suite:
Execution Time of a test suite is calculated based on Estimate Time of all the test cases in that test suite.
Calculation of Remaining Time of a test suite:
The Remaining Time will be reduced for test cases with “Pass” and “Not Applicable” status only.
The test cases with “Not Run”, "Failed", "Blocked" or "any other custom" execution status will be considered as remaining, as the work still remains pending for these execution statuses.
The following example shows calculation of both – Execution Time and Remaining Time.
| Execution time | Status | Remaining time |
TC1 | 2 | Pass | - |
TC2 | 3 | Not Applicable | - |
TC3 | 4 | Failed | 4 |
TC4 | 5 | Blocked | 5 |
| 14 |
| 9 |
Execution Time = 14
Remaining Time = 9
Users can carry out manual testing for individual test suites by clicking on the Execute icon under the Actions column.
Test Execution Screen Default View
The Test Run screen displays the list of test cases covered under the test suite.
Filter Test Cases on Execution Screen
The Default View of the Test Execution screen allows users to view, sort, and filter test cases using various parameters. This feature helps organize and streamline the test execution process effectively.
You can easily filter the test cases by applying Basic Filters or Advanced Filters on the Execution Screen.
Basic Filters: Basic filters enable you to filter test cases by status, assignee, owner, and test case folder path.
Advanced Filters: For more advanced filters, click on the '+' icon. It opens the drop-down with a list of additional system and user defined fields. Select the field you want to apply filter on. The filter parameter is added as Advanced Filters. Apply filter as per your requirement.
You can filter the linked test cases in test suite by the folder path. You can also view the linked test cases of specific folders or sub folder hierarchy of the folder by clicking on the include entities from sub folders checkbox. By default, this option is selected.
Sort Test Cases on the Execution Screen
You can easily sort test cases on the Test Execution screen by clicking on the respective column headers. Sorting icons (up/down arrows) appear on the header to indicate the selected sort order.
Organize Columns
The Execution screen comes with system-defined fields, such as Test Case Entity Key, Test Case Summary, Executed Version (E.V), Steps, Assignee, Execution Status, and Issue Count, pre-selected by default. You can further customize their view by selecting additional fields, including custom-defined fields, using the Arrange Column icon.
For instance, you can add the Test Case Folder Path as a column to display the complete folder hierarchy of each test case. While all user-defined fields, except Large Text fields, can be displayed for test cases, all types of user-defined fields are supported for test steps.
Fields can be shown or hidden as needed, and columns can be rearranged by dragging and dropping, enabling easy configuration of test case and test step columns as required.
Components of Default Execution Screen
A. The main row on the screen displays test cases.
B. Expanded test case to view test steps within it. You can expand/collapse individual steps as well as all steps.
Click on the information icon to view test suite details like -
Platform against which the test is to be run.
Run Attributes: Run Attributes of the platform. You can also tag Platform Attributes at run time. Read more about Tagging Attributes at Runtime in Managing Platforms.
Release: Release as selected for the test execution.
Cycle: Cycle as selected for the test execution.
Build: The Build on which the test is being executed.
This screen also enables the users to update the following parameters:
A. Assign tester to the test case: Open the drop-down and select the user to whom the test case is to be assigned.
B. Log issues/defects to the test case. Read more about Adding/Linking Issues to Test Case and Test Step.
C. Add comments to test case.
D. Add attachments to test case.
E. Execution Type: The execution type for the test suite can be set as - automated or manual. By default, this column remains hidden. You can make this column visible from the column list. Also, by default, the execution type is "Manual". Users can change the value by opening the drop-down menu and selecting "Automated".
Use Case: Testers need to run particular test cases as Manually and Automated way. Sometimes testers have to manually mark the status of test cases on the Execution screen. Therefore, testers need an ability to mark the executions as Automated or Manual on the execution screen.
Users can also set Execution Type for bulk test cases at once. Refer to the Bulk Operations section on this page.
F. Planned Date: Users can set the planned date for test suite execution from this screen manually. Like other execution fields, Planned Date column