Risk Traceability for Test Cases

Risk Traceability for Test Cases


Users can generate Risk Traceability Report for test cases after performing Risk Analysis and providing the necessary details to calculate the Extent of Testing.

To access the Risk Traceability for Test Cases Report navigate to:

Home > QMetry System Reports > Risk Traceability for Test Cases.

The Risk Traceability Report shows all the test cases' records for which the field values for Risk Analysis are available.


Risk Traceability Report: Trace by Test Cases

The Risk Traceability Report can further be traced by test cases. Users can apply filters to retrieve preferred test cases and generate reports for those test cases.

To generate risk traceability report by test cases, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Trace by Test Cases button.

  1. Select the test cases directly or apply filters to the Risk Analysis fields in the Advanced Filters section to refine the selection.

  1. Specify the required filter values.

  1. From the filtered list, select the test cases for which to generate the Risk Traceability Report, then click the Apply button.

  1. The Risk Traceability Report is generated for the selected test cases.

  1. Users can reset the filter by clicking the Reset button to clear the current filter and generate the report afresh.


Exporting Risk Traceability for Test Cases

To export ‘risk traceability for test case’ report follow these steps:

  1. Click on the cog icon () located at the top right of the screen.

  2. Select your preferred export format:

    • Export as XLSX format

    • Export as CSV format


  1. To download the file, click on the Scheduled Tasks icon, then click the download button.


These steps will help you export and download the report in your desired format.

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