Data Storage


QMetry Test Management for Jira add-on provides space for data storage depending on the number of users of the organization. Metering and capping on test asset data generated on a QTM4J instance are enabled to prevent excessive use or overutilization of data storage through Automation.

The Data Storage option displays data storage consumption for the QMetry for Jira instance along with the total storage allocated based on your Jira user tier. The data storage usage for the QTM4J instance considers all the details of test cases, test steps, test case executions, test step executions, the recorded sessions of Exploratory Testing, test assets linkages, and Audit Logs on the Jira instance. Administrators can review how much storage is currently utilized out of the available storage and even drill down to a list of projects with an asset-wise distribution to determine which projects consume the
most data.

Note: The Data Storage does not include attachments added to the test assets. For details related to attachment storage, refer to .

From where to access the Data Storage feature?

1. Open the Apps menu of Jira.

2. Select Manage your apps option on the drop-down menu.

Alternatively, you can go through Settings > Apps.


3. Click on the Data storage option under the QTM4J section on the navigation bar at the left.

It opens the Data storage screen, which shows the graph depicting how much percentage of storage space has been utilized out of allocated storage. It depicts used storage vs. empty storage.

The following statistics related to your current Data Storage are also available on the screen:

  • Total Storage Limit

  • Used Storage

  • Available Storage

The Used Storage section on the graph and the statistics of Used Storage are clickable. You can drill down to view the data that occupies the calculated storage space.

You can see the project wise details of created data of test case, test step, test case execution, test step execution, test case version and their corresponding size.

It helps you comprehend which project is consuming the larger size of the data storage.

The following limits are set on test asset creation storage for QTM4J Cloud edition:

Data storage usage on Jira instance


Data storage usage on Jira instance


exceeds 80%

If the data storage usage exceeds the 80% of the allocated limit, an email notification will be sent to the Primary Technical Contact of your Jira instance.

exceeds 90%

If the data storage usage exceeds the 90% of the allocated limit, the notification banner will be displayed at the top on the QTM4J screen to all the users.

An email notification will be sent to the Primary Technical Contact of your Jira instance.

reaches at 100%

If the data storage usage reaches 100%, QTM4J users will be unable to create test cases, test cycles and execute executions using QTM4J Automation.


How to Extend Data Storage Size?

To upgrade the data storage capacity for the QTM4J application, send an email to with your data storage needs.