How to install the certificate in JDK?

How to install the certificate in JDK?

Note: SSL Configuration is not part of QMetry Installation and therefore is out of QMetry support scope. The steps provided here are just guidelines for customers to achieve the SSL setup.



If the SSL Certificate is missing from trustStore of Java, Import-Export Utility can't establish a connection to the Jira instance.


Also, in Import-Export Utility logs, the following error will be generated.

Error in authenticationjavax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target



Note : SSL certificate related issues are not within QMetry Support scope. Users must reach out to their Network/IT team to solve this issue.

Here are the reference steps to install the certificate in JDK (post JDK installation) :

  1. Download the code zip of InstallCert from this link : GitHub - escline/InstallCert: Java program to retrieve server certificate that can be added to local keystore

  2. Unzip the file and go to that location from the command prompt.

  3. Run the below commands to install the certificate :

    1. javac InstallCert

    2. java InstallCert yourURL  (replace it with your Jira URL – example: https://jira.mycompany.com )

  4. Copy the generated jssecacerts file in the directory to your $JAVA_HOME\jre\lib\security