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What's New
Mrunalini Potnis
Owned by Mrunalini Potnis
QMetry Test Management version 8.7
QMetry now supports any International Language (available on request). Currently added support for Español (Spanish). - Introduced Internationalization App.
Archive individual test executions to prevent them from getting altered due to changes made to the scope of test suite when reusing test suite for future executions.
Integrate Azure & Rally to sync work items in QMetry to get complete traceability for Requirements -> Test cases -> Test Suites -> Test Executions -> Bugs.
New Report - “User Project Role Summary” added to “Login Summary” Dashboard - displays list of all users assigned to different projects along with their roles and status.
Added “Trace by Test Executions” that allow users to view traceability by filtering executions with specific release/cycles/platform combination.
Previous Version
Summary and Entity Key are now separate columns on all link test asset screens to allow better sorting and filtering.

Enhanced test case steps edit experience with an option to open step details in maximized mode.
Users will now be able to set any system or custom dashboard as their default dashboard seen after logging into QMetry.
Introduced new report Count of API Requests by User which shows the number of Open API or Automation API calls made by each user at a given time.

Users having two-step verification enabled can now use recovery codes to regain access to the accounts.
Export exploratory testing session details, documented test steps and associated defects to a word document.
QMetry Admin using On premise installation can now set a maintenance message that will be displayed on login screen to notify users about a scheduled maintenance.
Users with QMetry authentication type can enable Two-step Verification as an extra layer of security during login.
Improvements on Test Execution against Builds
QA Managers can make build selection mandatory to ensure testers assign test executions against a build.
QA Mangers can set a default build for a release & cycle combination so that test executions are auto assigned an intended build, so that testers do not have set them manually.
Improvements on Test Execution against Builds
Now testers can assign a build for an individual test case execution. This helps when test cases in a same test suite are executed against multiple builds.
Now view test case executed build information in the Test case - Test Execution details section along with other execution details.
New system dashboard “Test Execution Summary by Folder” is added under QMetry System reports.
Build Execution Summary - Added under Execution Summary dashboard: This report displays test case executions against Build, for combination of Test suites and Platforms.
Count of Unique users by date - Added under Login Summary dashboard : This report displays unique number of users logged in daily.
Users last login details - Added under Login Summary dashboard: This report displays last login date and time for each user.
Test Case created from an exploratory session can now be linked to Requirements & Test Suites from the Exploratory testing screen.

Capture browser Console and Network logs for a session that are helpful for developers to debug failed scenarios.
QMetry Test case panel in Jira for Story and Bugs now displays two tabs – Test Steps & Executions (New)
Test case detail page in Jira now displays Execution & Test Case details in separate tabs.
Bugs linked directly to requirements in QMetry will now appear in Jira Story “Issue Links” section.
Export Test Suite Summary details (without test cases and steps) from Test Suite module using option “Export Test Suite List Summary View”.
Modify colors on your custom report charts as required.
Previous Version
All new Custom Reporting Module - QMetry Insights, with two views: Visual Report and Advance Query Report
Visual Report allows business users to create simple to complex custom reports by just drag & drop of fields.
Advance Query Report – Allows users to create & execute SQL based custom reports using the Query Builder which has an entire snapshot of the QMetry data synced and accessible from just 15 tables
QMetry Custom Dashboards: Create your own 'Dashboards' with multiple gadgets chosen from system, custom owned or shared gadget repositories.
QMetry Custom Gadgets: View, Edit and Share gadgets added from Visual Reports and Advance Query Reports
Link test assets by providing entity keys separated by comma.
Improved copy test suites feature by introducing more flexible options.
A new gadget "Test Execution Assignments" is added on My Dashboard.
A new System Report to view test execution summary "Platform Summary By Test Suites" is added under Execution Reports.
Bulk execute screen revamp.
Improved copy test suites feature by introducing more flexible options.
Link test assets by providing entity keys separated by comma.
A new gadget "Test Execution Assignments" is added on My Dashboard.
A new System Report to view test execution summary "Platform Summary By Test Suites" is added under Execution Reports.

Create/update and activate/deactivate rights can now be assigned separately while assigning user modify permission.
QMetry Menu is classified as per the QMetry Apps.
Redesigned test asset detail view that allows one click access to different sections using organizable tabs.
Enabled HTML/XML editor for large text fields.