Managing Attachments

Managing Attachments


Attachments provide additional information which is important to refer while working with the specific test assets. Attachments are managed under Attachment tab (alike for requirements, test cases, issues and test suites) and can be managed from detail/edit page.

Attachments are stored at entity level instead of entity version level. It is applicable whenever attachments are added while -

  • adding a test asset
  • editing a version of test asset  (Update as well as Save as New Version)


  • If an attachment is added to one version of test asset, it is reflected in all versions of the test asset. For example, User is editing a test case version 2 and adding 3 attachments to it. These attachments will be seen in version 1 as well as all the future versions of the test case.

QMetry Support the following attachment types

  1. Attachments: Documents/Videos/Images/Files
  2. References: Links/URL

Note: QMetry does not support these file extensions : (.exe, .dll, .sh, .msi, .deb, .bat)

Adding Attachments

Let's see how to add an attachment to test case.

1. Go to the Test Cases module.

2. Open the test case details page by clicking on the Test Case Entity Key.

3. Open to the Attachments tab of details page.

3. Click on the Add Attachments button.

The Add Attachment pop-up window opens.

Add Attachments

You can attach different types of attachments: files, images, and URL.

The Add Attachment pop-up allows you to upload multiple files at a time.

Add attachments three ways:

  • Drag and Drop: Drag and drop the attachments into the specific area of drop documents.
  • Browse: Browse the file you want to add as an attachment and upload it by clicking on the Browse section. 
  • Paste (ctrl + v): Add attachments to test assets by directly pasting them from the clipboard. This allows you to add screenshots without saving to local machine. Only .png files can be pasted directly into the Add Attachment pop-up.


  • Maximum 100 files can be attached. Total size of attached files should not exceed 300 MB.

  • QMetry does not support these file extensions : (.exe; .dll; .sh; .msi; .deb; .bat)

  • All the attachments from the previous version are carried forward to the new version. For example, if the user is editing a test case version 2 which has 3 attachments with it, then these attachments will be carried forward to the latest version of the test case.

You can also remove individual attachments at the uploading stage.

Reference URL

Enter URL: You can attach reference URL (with "https" protocol) as an attachment. The field type is Large Text to accommodate URLs that are greater than 255 characters.

Click on the Add button once you are done adding attachments.

View Attachments & Reference 

After attaching a file and Reference URL, the attachment tab looks like below.

Download Attachments

For attached file, it shows options to Delete and Download. For reference URL, it shows options to Delete and Open Link. You can download the attachment/open link by clicking on the arrow icon.

As QMetry encourages team collaboration, attachments added from a team member can be downloaded, reviewed, modified and attached again by other members of the team.

Download Attachments:

  • To download a single attachment, click on the Download icon for that attachment.

  • To download all attachments at a time, click on the Download All button.

Download All Attachments

Users can now download all attachments on a single click.

It saves time and efforts in downloading bulk attachments. Users prefer to click one button instead of downloading individual attachments one by one.


1. Open the Attachments tab for Requirement/Test Case/Test Suite module.

2. Click on the Download All Attachments button to initiate the download process of bulk attachments in one go.

After clicking on the Download All button, you can download the zip from the Schedule Task section that can be accessed by clicking on the icon on the application header.

View the Progress and Download Attachments

Click on the Scheduled Task  icon on the application header to view the progress of the download.

It shows the current stage of the download process.

Once the process is completed, click on the Download icon for the activity. The attachments will be downloaded in a zip file.

The download activities on the Scheduled Tasks section appear with the respective module/level from where the download is triggered.

Delete Attachments

Attachment can be deleted in single or in bulk. Here are the steps. 

  • Open the details page/ Edit page of folder/entities.
  • Open the Attachments tab, which lists down all the attachments of that particular test asset/folder.
  • To delete a single attachment, click on the Delete icon for the attachment.
  • To delete multiple attachments, select the attachments and click on the Delete Selected Attachments button.

Note: If an attachment is deleted from one version of test asset, it will be deleted from all the versions of the test asset. For example, there are four versions of a test asset which has three attachments. If one attachment is deleted from version 2, then the attachment will be deleted from all the 4 versions.

Attachments Syncing between Jira and QMetry

Requirement Module

Attachment works independently for requirements. When requirements (stories in Jira) are imported from Jira, the Attachments tab on Requirements detail page displays Jira attachments by default. To view attachments added from QMetry, turn the Show QMetry Attachments “On”.

Linking attachment from either side i.e. from QMetry or from Jira does not impact requirements exist in other application.

Issue Module

When Jira issues have attachments with them and they are imported in QMetry, then these issues are imported with associated attachments in the Issue module.

If an attachment is linked to an issue from QMetry, then that attachment will also reflect in Jira for that issue.

If an attachment is linked to an issue in Jira, then that attachment will also reflect in QMetry for that issue.