Unable to view QMetry Test Case and BDD Panels in Jira even with setting enabled

Unable to view QMetry Test Case and BDD Panels in Jira even with setting enabled

Enabling the option - Enable QMetry Panels for Project, will help to make the QMetry Test Case panel visible on the issue screen. If the feature is disabled, the QMetry panel will not be displayed on the Issue screen. This panel shows the Test cases - Issue linkages. This change is required for all Jira projects that are to be integrated with QMetry.

However, even though the option is enabled, the user may come across the issue where they unable to see the QMetry Test Case and BDD Panels in Jira issue pages, it's due to the specific module (i.e. bdd-issues-webpanel) may get disabled in your Jira either by Jira administrator OR by configurations that are specific to your Jira instance. Do note that when the 'QMetry Jira Integration' app is installed - all the modules are enabled by default.

Follow the below steps to verify all the modules are enabled or not -

Verify All Modules are Enabled

If you are installing the Server version of QMetry Jira Integration Add-On, then verify that all the modules are enabled on the Manage apps screen. 

  1. Go to Jira Settings > Add-ons > Manage apps section.
  2. Expand the modules section and make sure that all the modules are enabled.
  3. In our case, module - 'bdd-issues-webpanel' should be enabled to be able to view QMetry Test Case and BDD Panels in Jira issue pages.

    Note : All the packages in the above screenshot must remain enabled for all QMetry features to function normally.