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QMetry Test Management for Jira v4.x

QMetry Test Management for Jira v4.11.0

Introduced a new category of custom reports empowering users to generate two-dimensional or single-dimensional gadgets for all the modules.

These gadgets offer multiple viewing options, such as stacked bars, vertical grouped bars, and tabular views, with the drill-down option to slice and dice data for analysis.

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Stacked Bar Chart


Vertical Grouped Bar Chart


Tabular View

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Revamped the QTM4J reports to enhance the elegance and visual appeal of the graphical charts within the gadgets. The counts, percentages, and legends displayed on the gadgets are now consistently visible, eliminating the need for hovering.

Confluence Integration Enhancements

Introducing the QMetry Chart Macro - Confluence users can now seamlessly integrate live QMetry Reports into their Confluence pages.

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Export the graphical images in PNG, JPEG, PDF, and SVG formats.


Export the tabular summary view of the report in CSV format.


Export all the traceability reports in PDF and Word format.


More export choices for reports

Previous Versions

Introduced an option in the Manage Apps global settings that automatically consolidates all QMetry panels into a unified section, thereby enhancing the loading performance of the Jira Issue page.

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Auto-Generate Test Case using QMetry Intelligence

(Currently in Beta)
Testers can now auto-generate functional test cases using QMetry Intelligence (QI) directly from the Story Page or the Test Case Module. Furthermore, testers can utilize QI to generate the test case description, pre-condition, and test steps in an existing test case, with options to either update the existing version or create a new version.

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Generate Test Cases from Test Case List View


Generate Test Cases from Story Detail Page


Generate Details And Steps from Test Case Detail Page


Introduced the 'Target vs Actual Execution' gadget under the Test Execution reports, allowing QA managers to comprehend the current and expected execution rates to meet delivery timelines.

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The graphical charts in the report are now accompanied by a tabular view, presenting a summary of counts and percentages to enhance the user viewing experience.

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Make system and custom fields mandatory/optional for test cases, test cycles, test executions, and test plans based on the project workflow.

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The Test Cycle's linked Test Case section displays test case custom fields along with the default system fields. Users can show/hide, rearrange & filter these fields based on their viewing preferences.

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View & Update execution system and custom field values when executing test cases directly from the Story as well as the Test case's execution tab.

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The Test Plan list view presents a consolidated execution summary of the associated test cycles.

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The Test Plan's linked Test Cycle tab presents the execution summary in a tabular format and displays the test cycle custom fields along the default system fields. User can show/hide, rearrange & filter these fields based on their viewing preferences.

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QMetry's AI-enabled product search

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Copy and maintain the folder hierarchy of test cases when exporting them in bulk to other projects.

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Search test cases within a project repository on specific keywords found within the description, pre-condition, and steps in addition to the summary.

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Support for creating sub-task issue types as defects for failed executions.

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The test case pre-condition field on the execution screen is now displayed above the test step details, making it easier for testers to refer to it before executing the steps.

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Enabled bulk operations on custom test execution fields, allowing users to bulk update them during executions.

View Test Case Details

Start a new execution for test cases individually or in bulk directly from the Test Case Acceptance Criteria panel on the story page within an existing test cycle. Users can select their preferred environment, build, and assignee when initiating the new executions.

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Introduced the "Coverage by Requirement" report that displays the count and details of requirements, both directly linked and not directly linked to test cycles.

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Introduced the "Coverage by Test Cycle" report that displays the count and details of test cycles, both directly linked and not directly associated with the requirements.

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Introduced a new strip view that showcases thumbnails of attachments.

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QMetry Intelligence

  • Introduced an AI-powered, innovative approach to assess the flakiness of test cases by calculating a "Flaky Score" derived from their execution history.

  • Introducing the success rate for test cases, calculated based on their execution history.

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The Test Cycle > Test Cases tab and the execution screen now indicate the availability of a newer version of a test case besides the older linked version.

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Introduced a new feature that allows testers to conveniently copy test case steps from an existing test case while creating or modifying a test case, using the option "Copy steps from existing test case".

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Improvements to Test Case Import via Excel: Testers can now import test cases with parameterized steps using the Excel import feature. For scenarios where the parameters do not exist and, the user has the necessary permissions, the import process will automatically create the parameters.

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Project Administrators can now enable email notifications on Assignee and Status changes.

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Users can now bulk-create parameters and values by importing them using Excel from the configuration page.

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Introducing Bulk Start New Execution for Test Cases for the selected environment on the execution screen.

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Introducing timeframe reports - Generate daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly test case and test execution summary reports to keep track of progress.

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Improve collaboration and reusability - Report owners can share the filter criteria with other users by granting view and edit permissions.

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The saved filter list on the dashboard gadget now displays additional details like the name of the related report and shared indicators to make it easier for users to identify the relevant filter.

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Trigger CI/CD pipelines from within QTM4J. Integrate QTM4J with your preferred CI/CD platform, such as Jenkins or others, to trigger automated testing pipelines with a single click. Now, testers can save and launch remote CI/CD pipeline jobs directly from QTM4J. Testers can select and map a configured rule to a test cycle, then trigger the pipeline job and automate the uploading of the results after the successful execution of the job. This feature enables all testers to participate in test automation and also reduces the overhead of navigating between multiple tools by automating the testing process and reporting results.

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Administrators can now view the detailed statistics of the data storage consumption and the allotted storage for the QTM4J app based on the Jira user tier under the Applications >> QTM4J >> Data Storage page. Email notifications will be sent to the primary technical contact of the Jira instance when the data storage utilization reaches 80% and 90%. Metering and capping on total test cases and test executions generated through automation imports are enabled to prevent over utilization of data storage.

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QTM4J app's attachment storage consumption statistics are now available under Applications >> QTM4J >> Attachment Storage page. Email notifications will be sent to the technical contact of the Jira instance when the QTM4J attachment storage utilization reaches 80% and 90%.

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Manage shareable test cases through a separate view within the test case module.

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Create a shareable test case from an existing test case or independently from a separate new section.

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Insert shareable test cases as steps into another test case of the same or cross-project to reuse common steps.

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Sync the latest version of the shared test case directly from within the associated test cases.

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During test execution, the test case containing shareable steps displays the steps as usual, along with a reference to the shared test cases.

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Shareable test cases can have parameterized steps and will refer to the parameter values from the test cases reusing it.

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The execution screen displays all system and custom fields of the test case under the test case details tab on the grid view.

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Filter test executions by the test case and test execution custom fields.

Filter unassigned test executions and bulk assign them to a tester.

Filter test executions by test case assignee and bulk assign them to a tester.

Improved filtering on the execution grid and list view.

Users can book a demo or chat with a QTM4J expert by selecting an option from the QTM4J menu.

The count of test assets in a folder and total test assets in the folder hierarchy gets displayed alongside the folder name.

Test Case module - list screen.

Link test cases to the test cycle from its test case tab.

Link existing test cases to a story from the test case/acceptance criteria section.

Users can choose to display test cases of subfolders in the parent folder to get a consolidated view of the test cases in the folder hierarchy.

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Drill down the graphical reports to view and export the filtered records.

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Generate a test case summary report grouped by a test case custom field for a selected project.

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Create custom fields for test execution to capture additional details specific to a test case execution run.

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View the custom fields on the execution screen while executing the test cases.

Filter test case execution records on the execution screen based on custom fields.

Add inline images using copy & paste, browse & upload, and drag & drop options to test asset fields such as description, precondition, test steps, actual outcome & comments.

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The tabular view now displays the test execution summary in a two-dimensional view that includes the count of the executed test cases and the percentage.

BDD Feature

Organizations practicing Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) can author a feature file using the built-in Gherkin editor in Jira stories and sync it with Version Control Systems (VCS) like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket Cloud & Self-Hosted editions.

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Introducing a new "QTM4J Confluence Integration" app

Embed a widget that dynamically displays filtered QMetry test assets in a tabular view containing all the fields selected by the user.

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Archive test cases to prevent them from accidental deletion.

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Bulk clone up to 100 test cases with the latest version, attachment, and comment.

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Bulk clone up to 20 test cycles in the same or other projects.

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Introducing the "Steps to reproduce" section on the bug page

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Now Bulk Operations options will be visible on the top only when users select any test cases/test cycles/test plans on the Test Management screen.

Added Drag & Drop operation to quickly move and reuse test assets across folders.

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Link Jira stories directly with the test cases that are being imported through Excel by defining Story Keys in the Excel sheet column and the same information can be exported in Excel and CSV files.

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Added an ability to mark Custom Fields as Required (Mandatory) which allows users to define proper workflow required for test cases, test cycles and test plans.

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Status & Priority can be marked as Archived if it is not required by customers as per their workflow.

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The folder context menu is revamped - with renamed folder operations for all test assets and with added additional options of Export to Excel, Link with Test Cycle and Link with Story for test cases.

Exploratory Testing Extension Improvements

Refined New Design and Logo for Exploratory Testing extension.

Improved image editor with features like rich text mark up, crop/resize/rotate image, blur sensitive text, replace & merge images. 

Option to cancel a recorded session or delete session with in-progress status. 

Extended search capability on document tab for test data and expected results fields.

New icons for Test case, Test Cycles, Test Plan and Test Reports.

Import test cases from excel to multiple folders.

Save filters applied to columns on Test Cycle and Test Plan as public or private. 

Clone the associated test case version directly from the Story page. 

Enable/disable all field columns except Sequence No, Key, Summary, Execution status in all module grids.

Added emoticons and special characters support for all rich text fields like description, test steps, comments, and actual results.

Redesigned clone test cycle screen & added test case filter on execution assignee while cloning a test cycle. 

Search and set the project scope by filtering based on project key.

Update the test cycle/test plan summary directly from the list view.

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Quickly export all test cases of a folder directly from its context menu.

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Import test cases button is now available on the default test case view.

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QMetry menu has been revamped; the Migration option is moved under the Configuration tab. 

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Added option to link selective Test Cases from a Story to an existing Test Cycle.

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The filter panel has been revamped with multiple new options like reset, minimize/maximize, counts, remove and clear options.

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View the entire content of test steps using the expand/collapse quick buttons available at step grids.

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View/Add/Modify/Delete Test Case Steps directly from Test Case list view.

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Now execute Test Cases linked to test cycles from the Test Execution tab.

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All the test assets now display the Created/Updated Dates & Created/Updated User on the detail screen.

All New Test Execution Screen - List View

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Revamped Test Execution Grid View with two tabs - Test Case Details, Executions

  • Test Case Details tab displays all test case fields added while authoring.

  • Executions tab displays all the test case/steps execution details.

  • Execution tab now has 4 sections that can be re-ordered – Test Steps, Bugs, Attachments and Comments.

  • Attachments uploaded while authoring test cases/steps are now available on execution screen.

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Export Test cycle execution details for Latest or All Executions along with Test Steps and associated bugs details.

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Get warning about the changes to test steps. Auto Sync test case steps directly from execution screen (Replaces Sync Steps option).

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Added Execution Summary(tabular) column on Test Cycle List view to show count of test case execution based on status.

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Test Cycle Summary on Test Execution Screen now displays all Bugs and Attachments associated to the test case/steps execution.

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View/Add/Modify/Delete/Clone Test Case steps directly from Test Cycle > Test Case tab.

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All the Test Cases and Test Execution Reports can now be exported with or without steps.

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Reports can now be generated by applying a filter for a specific period. 

All reports can be filtered on the basis of Test Case type - Automated or Manual. 

Improvement to Traceability reports:

  • Report can now be generated for latest executions or for all test case executions. 

  • Report export now displays test plan details. 

Added new Test Case Summary reports grouped by:

  • Assignee

  • Reporter

  • Sprint

  • Fix version 

View/Add/Modify/Delete Test Case Steps directly from Story Page under the “Test Case/Acceptance Criteria” section.

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Execute associated test cases directly from the “Test Case/Acceptance Criteria” section on Story page.

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Renamed option labels on Story Detail Page:

  • Create New Test Case renamed as “Link New Test case”,

  • Reuse Test Case renamed as “Link Existing Test Cases”

  • Reuse Test Cycle renamed as “Link Story to Existing Test Cycle”

  • Unlink Test case renamed as “Bulk Unlink”

Link multiple versions of a Test case to the Story to get end to end traceability.

Bugs raised from exploratory testing now records and displays complete Environment details.

View traceability from Test Case, Test Cycle to Test Execution in the Bug Traceability section. 

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Added support for additional custom field types - Cascading List, User List and Labels.

Added a separate list to maintain Build values. 

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Revamped QMetry Project Settings page which includes -

  • Bulk “Enable/Disable” Test case/Acceptance criteria panel for Story issue types

  • Bulk “Enable/Disable” Bug Traceability panel for Bug issue types

  • Manage issue types for Story and Bug in a separate tab, along with search capabilities.

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Import existing Jira Labels and Components to a QMetry Project.

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Copy Project Configurations - Labels, Components, Priorities, Status, Execution Results, Environment, Build values, Custom Fields and Parameters to other projects. 

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Easy re-ordering of Test Cases on Test Cycle.

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Link stories directly to a test cycle. This feature will auto link all the test cases associated with the story to the test cycle.

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Sync test cases on a test cycle for associated stories. This will allow users to re-sync test cases for linked stories in a test cycle to get complete coverage on execution.

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Create your own gadgets and add them to dashboards. Users can now save the filter criteria which is used to generate a report and save it as a gadget. Once these gadgets are added to dashboards users can share them as public or private.  

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Added requirement coverage report. This report will display summary of requirements as covered/not covered based on their association with test cases.

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Generate all requirements and defects reports based on JQL filters. 

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Copy test cases across projects along with their versions.

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Export QMetry test cases from one Jira instance to another.

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Migrate test cases from Zephyr for Jira - Test Management to QMetry Test Management for Jira using inbuilt migration feature.  

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View the progress of operations like import/export & other bulk updates in the notification section.

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New, intuitive and user friendly UI

Introduced Test Cycles for managing and tracking test execution cycles

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Introduced Test Plans to lay down test strategy that ensures high quality production release

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Test case versioning with detailed change logs for audits

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Organize test assets hierarchy in tree structure in folders

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Reuse test cases using test data parameterization

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Customizable and flexible test case workflow

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Powerful filters and sorting on all the fields across the product. Save filter as public or private.

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Inbuilt import feature for powerful import of test cases from excel & CSV

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Define custom fields for test cases, test cycles and test plans at project level

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End to End traceability between requirements, test cases, test executions and defects

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Tag Labels to all your test assets

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Inbuilt 25+ cross project reports as per QA best practices

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Manage environments to execute test cases against any platforms or configurations

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Set permissions for all operations at user or group level

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Link/unlink stories to a test case from test case screen – story tab.

Assign build & environment to test cases linked to a test cycle.