Reusing Test Cases via Automation - QAF Framework

While importing an automation test result file, it is possible to reuse the previously imported or manually created Test Cases within the QTM4J app. Here is how the Test Case reusability works:

  • When the Test Case key is NOT defined in the BDD or test result file:

    • Scenario A: If the Test Case summary and Test Step summary (for all steps) match with the automated Test Case name ( elements > name) and steps (elements > steps > name), the Test Case key and version will be reused.

    • Scenario B: If the Test Case summary matches with the automated Test Case ( elements > name) but the Test Step summary does not match (for any of the steps), the Test Case key will be reused, but a new version will be created.

    • Scenario C: A new Test Case will be created if the Test Case summary does not match.

  • When the Test Case key is defined in the BDD or test result file, the Test Case reusability and mapping of the individual Test Steps will depend on the matchTestSteps parameter.

    • If the matchTestSteps parameter is set as “True” (Default) - The reusability for the Test Cases will follow the exact matching criteria as above, i.e., based on the Test Case Summary and Test Step summary. The execution results will get imported according to the provided automation test result file.

    • If the matchTestSteps parameter is set as “False” - The reusability for the Test Cases will depend on the presence of other Test Case versions and the reusability of other Test assets. Refer to the "Test Case Resuability" table in this guide for more details.

For any further queries related to QTM4J, please get in touch with QMetry Support.