How to convert the robot framework file into the Junit.xml file?

How to convert the robot framework file into the Junit.xml file?


Python3 installed on a machine.

Required Robot Framework installed on a machine.

  • pip install robotframework

How to execute the project.

  1. Download and Extract the BankingTransaction_Robot into a folder.

  2. Open Command Prompt.

  3. Go to the folder location
    Example : cd /Users/mohammad.faizan/Downloads/BankingTransaction_Robot/BankingTests

  4. Execute Command : robot -x Result.xml filename.robot

  5. A Result.xml will be created in the same folder. The path will be displayed in the output of the command executed. Example:/Users/mohammad.faizan/Downloads/BankingTransaction_Robot/BankingTests/Result.xml

  6. Upload the Result.xml with a format as JUNIT using Automation API.