How to add build in project?

How to add build in project?

QMetry defines a Build as a specific iteration of the product to be tested. The Builds feature lets you integrate patch testing into your QA process. QMetry allows you to add a new patch instead of adding a new cycle altogether. Users can easily record the execution results for Builds.

To add a build in a project, go to Projects → select 'Builds' option. It displays the list of Builds added for the project. User can now add or edit build from this screen.

Note :  Rights related to Build are assigned from Customization > Roles.

To add a new build, click on the New button on the header.

The Build Create screen opens.

  • Enter Build Name and it's relevant Description in corresponding fields.
  • Associated Releases: Select the Release on the drop-down list you want to link the build with. You can select multiple Releases to associate with the Build that is being added.
  • Associated Cycles: Cycle list is populated as per selected Release. You can select multiple Cycles to associate with the Build that is being added.

Click Create.

The build will appear on the Build list on the Test Execution Screen when the test execution is associated with the same releases and cycles.