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Test using Playwright
Users can integrate Playwright results with QTM4J. QMetry supports import for the framework files JUnit, TestNG, QAF, Cucumber, and Specflow. By default, Playwright generates a test results file in JUnit format, which can then be imported into QTM4J.
In case the JUnit format test result file is not generated, Playwright Test comes with a built-in Junit reporter, which produces a JUnit-style XML report. To generate the report in a JUnit-style XML, execute the following commands as applicable:
Bash -
PLAYWRIGHT_JUNIT_OUTPUT_NAME=results.xml npx playwright test --reporter=junit
Batch -
npx playwright test --reporter=junit
PowerShell -
npx playwright test --reporter=junit
For more details, refer to Playwright Reporter.
→ Test Result Import:
Once the test result files are generated in JUnit/XML format, refer to the following pages to import the result files into QTM4J.
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