QMetry Installation Guide (without Docker)

QMetry Installation Guide (without Docker)

In this guide we'll run you through installing QMetry Test Management application in a production environment, with an external database, using the Linux installer.

Installing QMetry on your Server

This is the most straightforward way to get your production site up and running on a Linux server.

Before you begin (Prerequisites)

Below are the prerequisites for QMetry Test Management application

1. Java v1.8.x must be installed (Reference: How to install Java), and JAVA_HOME must be setup.

 Expand for steps to verify
  • To verify, execute command: java -version
  • Check your JDK 8 path using command:  sudo alternatives --config java
  • JAVA_HOME Environment Variable must be set:
    • To set JAVA_HOME variable
      • Run command: sudo export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_xx (Note: You need to replace the actual path and version of your Java installation directory)
    • To set PATH variable
      • Run command: sudo export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
    • To change above settings permanently which stays even after machine reboot
      • Run command: sudo vi /etc/environment then add below lines: (Replace the actual path and version of your Java Installation directory)
         export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_xx
         export JRE_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_xx/jre
         export PATH
      • Save configuration with Esc + :wq!

2. Set Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)

 Download & Set Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)
 Set Java Cryptography Extension (JCE)

3. Installed MySQL v5.7.xx

 Installing MySQL

Downloading and Installing MySQL

  • Download the attached mysqlinstall.sh and copy it over to the /opt/ directory.
  • Execute the below command:
    • sudo chmod 775 /opt/mysqlinstall.sh

  • To Install MySQL, execute the below command which downloads and installs MySQL v5.7.23 
    • sudo sh -x /opt/mysqlinstall.sh
  • Restart MySQL services using below command:

    • sudo service mysql.server restart
  • Run the command: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin
  • To be able to access MySQL using `mysql` command, add the following lines to /etc/environment file.
    • Run command: sudo vi /etc/environment then press " i " to go into insert mode, and add the following lines:
    • export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin
      export PATH
    • Save configuration with Esc + :wq!

The above steps install MySQL 5.7.23, under /usr/local/ directory. The username and password of MySQL are set to: username: root, password: qmetry

Note: MySQL Services can be started, stopped and restarted using below commands.

  • sudo service mysql.server start
  • sudo service mysql.server stop
  • sudo service mysql.server restart

4. Set /tmp directory to at least 15 GB

5. Request the license.key before-hand by providing the MAC address and Domain to QMetry Support (qtmprofessional@qmetrysupport.atlassian.net) for generating license specific to your server

Steps to install QMetry Test Management application

1. Create a QMetry User by executing below commands. (Only a user with root privileges can add a user, if you're not using a root privileges user, prefix commands with a 'sudo' ).

  • groupadd qmetry
  • useradd -g qmetry qmetry
  • passwd qmetry
  • echo 'qmetry ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers  ( Note: For a non-root user if you get an error while executing this command use : sudo bash -c "echo 'qmetry ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL' >> /etc/sudoers" )
  • su qmetry

2. Download QMetry Test Management Installer

3. Run the installer

  • Step 1: On the Linux server, extract the ZIP file in the destination directory where you want QMetry to be installed. This will be home directory where QMetry data like logs will be stored.
  • Step 2 : Open the terminal
    •  Give permission to qmetry.sh file through the following command: 
      • cd /home/qmetry/QMetry
      • sudo chmod +x qmetry.sh
  • Step 3: Enter the following command and then pass the parameters mentioned.
    • sudo ./qmetry.sh

Pass the following parameters one by one, to set the default value just hit Enter:

OptionsTypeDefault ValueComments/ Example
Do you want to upgrade an existing version of QMetry?MandatoryNo

Type "No" to begin a fresh installation of QMetry.

Enter Password of QMetry AdminMandatory


Password Policy- it must contain minimum 8 characters with at least one special character, at least one alphabet and at least one number. Allowed special characters are !@#$%^&*()

Re-Enter Password of QMetry Admin

Mandatory-Above Password
Enter email for QMetry AdminOptional-Provide QMetry Admin's email ID
Enter JVM Minimum Heap Memory in GBOptionalDefault - 3 GB3 GB
Enter JVM Maximum Heap Memory in GBOptionalDefault - 6 GB6 GB
Enter DB Connection Pool SizeOptional100100

Enter Domain URL


Public IP of your server or DNS name

Note: Provide this domain to Qmetry support to generate your license. Example: company.qmetry.com. The value should not contain any protocols like http:// or https://

Enter Database Host

Mandatorylocalhost“localhost” or IP Address or DNS name

Enter Database Port

Enter Database Schema NameMandatoryqmetryqmetry

Enter Database Username


Enter Database Password


Enter Attachments Path


Enter SAML Config Path



Enter Domain SchemeMandatoryhttpChoose "http" or "https"
Enter DNS Name or IP AddressMandatorylocalhostEnter the server domain name OR keep it to localhost
Enter Port for the applicationMandatory80
  • Keep port 80 to access URL with HTTP and without port
  • Keep port 443 to access URL with HTTPS
  • OR change the port as required.

  • Step 4: The process should take 3-4 minutes to complete. On completion of the installation process, it shows the success message with url to access QMetry. Note down this URL for later reference.

4. Enter your license

  • Get your QMetry Test Management License file by providing your Domain URL as mentioned in Step 3 above to QMetry Support and as mentioned under the Before you begin section.
  • Copy the license.key file in the /home/qmetry/QMetry/bin/ directory.

5. Restart Services

  • Stop MySQL : sudo service mysql.server stop
  • Start MySQL : sudo service mysql.server start
  • Go to QMetry bin directory: cd /home/qmetry/QMetry/bin
    • Restart Services in below sequence:
      • Stop Tomcat : sudo ./shutdown.sh
      • Start Tomcat : sudo ./startup.sh

6. Start using QMetry Test Management

  • That's it! Your QMetry Test Management site is accessible from your base URL or a URL like this:


  • You can login to QMetry with username - `admin` and password chosen during step 3 while running the installer.

7. Troubleshooting

Some anti-virus or other Internet security tools may interfere with the QMetry Test Management installation process and prevent the process from completing successfully. If you experience or anticipate experiencing such an issue with your anti-virus/Internet security tool, disable this tool first before proceeding with the QMetry Test Management installation.

  • You can also refer to How to Configure Tomcat with SSL Certificate 
  • If you face any problem installing QMetry Test Management, please get the Installation logs from the destination directory where you have installed QMetry Test Management as mentioned in Step No.1 of Run the installer and send it to QMetry Support.
  • Tomcat Admin is disabled.

Note: If you are planning Jira integration with QMetry and Jira is running on https, make sure your QMetry is also running over https protocol. QMetry and Jira should run on the same protocol.

If you are having any issues during the upgrade process, write us at qtmprofessional@qmetrysupport.atlassian.net. This will automatically open a ticket with our support team and help you to follow the progress.