Export Shareable Test Cases to Excel

QTM4J allows you to export normal independent test cases as well as shareable test cases to excel. This document describes shareable test case export to excel. To read about independent test case export, refer to .

Export Bulk Shareable Test Cases to Excel

Users can export shareable test cases created in QMetry for Jira to Excel file. The latest version of test cases will be exported along with system and custom fields.

Use Cases:

  1. Users can export test cases, make changes in bulk and re-import them as a new version.

  2. Users can share test cases in an Excel file e.g. sharing with a third-party vendor who does not have access to QMetry.

Note: Maximum 1,00,000 records can be exported to excel at a time.


The steps are described below.

1. On the Test Case List View, click on more icon and select Show Shareable Test Cases option. The screen displays shareable test cases.

2. Select the test cases you want to export to Excel.

You can select individual test cases or all test cases.  Select All has two options:

  • Select all records on the current page:

Clicking on the check box in the column header selects all the records on the current page only.

An alternate way is to open the check box drop-down and select Current Page.

  • Select records across all pages:

Open the check box drop-down and select the Across All Pages option.

The options for Bulk Operation start displaying on the screen on the selection of test case(s).

3. Open the Export drop-down and select Export to Excel(.xlsx).

Export test case operation gets started in the background.

4. Open the Notification section to view background processes.

5. To download the excel file, click on the Download File link.

Note: The file will be available to download for 24 hours.

Export a Single Shareable Test Case to Excel

You can easily export the test case details to excel for reference.

Note: Only the latest version of a test case can be exported. The export icon will not be visible for the older versions of the test case.


1. On the Test Case List View, click on more icon and select Show Shareable Test Cases option. The screen displays shareable test cases.

2. Open the shareable test case detail page.

3. Click on the Export to Excel icon at the top of the detail page. Export test case operation gets started in the background.

4. Click Back to go back to shareable test case list view.

5. Open the Notification section to view background processes.

6. To download the excel file, click on the Download File link.

Note: The file will be available to download for 24 hours.

Identify Shareable Test Steps in Exported Excel

(A) When a shareable test case(s) is exported to excel, the value in the ‘TestCase Type' column displays the “Shareable” value.

(B) When a normal test case (which contains shareable test steps along with other normal test steps) is exported to excel, it shows both types of test steps.

The 'Is Shareable Step' column is provided in the excel file to make it easier for you to identify the type of test steps.

The column with “TRUE” value indicates that the step is a shareable test step.

The column with “FALSE” value indicates that the step is a normal test step.