Generate Test Cases from Story Page or Test Case Module

Generate Test Cases from Story Page or Test Case Module


The Generate Test Cases and Test Steps using QI feature allows testers to auto-generate functional test cases using QMetry Intelligence (QI) directly from the Story Page or the Test Case Module. Furthermore, testers can utilize QI to generate the test case description, pre-condition, and test steps in an existing test case, with options to either update the existing version or create a new version.

This document describes the Generate Test Cases from Story Page or Test Case Module feature.

→ Prerequisite: The Enable users to generate test cases either from the Story Page or from the Test Case Module settings should be enabled under Apps > Manage your apps > QI Configuration as described in the article Auto-Generate Test Cases and Test Steps using QMetry Intelligence (QI) | QMetry Intelligence Configuration.

→ Enable users to generate test cases from either the Story Page or Test Case Module. (Default: Disabled)




Users can generate test cases from the Test Case list view and from the Story detail page using the AI-enabled feature.


Users can not access the AI-enabled test case creation feature to generate test cases from the Test Case list view and from the Story detail page.

Once you configure the required settings for QI, you can see the Generate test cases with QI button on the Test Case list view and on the Story detail page.


  • If test cases have been generated from a Story, that Story will be linked to all the test cases. All these test cases will be associated with the Story and will be displayed under the Test Case/Acceptance section.

  • If the test cases have been generated using the requirement description on the fly, that requirement description will not be associated with the test cases as a Story.

  • The test cases are generated at the root level in the Test Case module by default unless the Folder Path is defined in the Detail tab while generating the test cases.

  • To produce high-quality test cases, the requirement description should consist of a minimum of 30 words and a maximum of 1500 words.

Guidelines for Story Description

To create effective test cases, some guidelines should be considered while drafting the Story description.

  • Description Details: The Story should have sufficient description details to let the QI analyze the requirements, identify the critical scenarios, and generate test cases out of it. You can modify the Story description to ensure the maximum requirement coverage by test cases.

  • Structured Format: The Story should include a clear and well-structured explanation of the feature.

  • Acceptance Criteria: The Story description should cover the acceptance criteria to define the feature’s expected behavior. The decomposed stories give better results.

  • Description Length: The description should be between 30 to 1500 words.

You can generate test cases from the Test Case List View as well as from the Story detail page.

Generate Test Cases from Test Case List View

The AI model utilizes the Summary and Description of the Story to generate the corresponding test cases. If the story does not have sufficient description details to generate a test case, a notification message will pop up.

Based on the Story details, the AI models decide to create single or multiple test cases. The test cases are created with Summary, Description, Precondition, and Steps.
Each auto-generated test case includes the step details as follows.

  • Step Summary and Expected Outcome.

  • Test Data will be generated if the sample data or input data are part of the Story description.

Follow the steps mentioned below to generate test cases from the Test Case module.


1. Go to the Test Case module.

2. Click on the Generate test cases with QI button at the top.
