Export Report

You can export the report data for further analysis and comparison. To export the report details, open the Export drop-down and select the format to which you want to export the report. You can export the report in the following formats:

  • XLS: Check the Notification section to view the export progress and download the report. Reports can be exported using the following options:

    • With Steps: The exported report contains all Test Steps for all Test Cases in the selected Test Cycle.

    • Without Steps: The exported report contains only the list of Test Cases in the selected Test Cycle.



Export the report with drilled-down details:


Note: You can export the report to Excel with details of up to 10,000 records. The report will not be exported if the number of records exceeds the permissible limit.

Steps to Download the Exported Report

1. Click on the bell icon to open the View Background Processes section.

2. Click on the Download File link to download the Excel file.

Note: The file will be available to download for 24 hours.