Solved - WebDriverError:unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist

The above error is A common cause for Chrome to crash during startup is running Chrome from root user (administrator) profile.

Kindly follow any of the solution provided below to resolve the issue:

  1. Do not run chrome as root (Administrator) user. In any environment you really shouldn't be doing this anyway, and ran it as own server user non-root and it should work just fine. Try to run chrome locally like /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable

  2. In some of the cases, the issue gets solved by killing all the chrome processes and chrome driver processes Then restart QAS.

  3. This error is due to the incompatible Chrome Driver version and the Chrome browser version that you are using. Try to update chrome to the latest version and update the driver from QAS and Then restart Test Recorder.

Here is the reference for more details in case the above steps fail (not best practices):

Note: This issue is from the selenium web driver side and it is still in an OPEN state: