How to handle NotYetImplementedException while Maven execution?

NotYetImplementedException while Maven execution:

Solution: No space should be provided while creating a new project in either Project Name or Project Location.

  •  Project Name:

By Default, QAS will not allow its users to create a Project if the Project Name has a space.

However, it is possible that user might have changed the Project Name in their Local computer and later accessed it from QAS.

  • Project Location:

For e.g., “C:\Users\kalaivendhan.desingu\Desktop\QAS V1“. This path has space provided in “QAS V1“, hence this will cause maven execution failure.

If the space is removed by renaming the folder, i.e. “C:\Users\kalaivendhan.desingu\Desktop\QASV1“, then this should work fine as no space is present in “QAS V1“.

Once Space is corrected in Project Name/Project Path, users need to import the Project (QMetry > Import Project) and rerun the Test via Maven by using mvn clean install command.