Test using Robot


Robot Framework is a generic open source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation.

Robot Framework result files can be of multiple hierarchy structures. The structure of these files depends upon the libraries that are used to generate the automation results. Upload through QMetry Automation API supports the following structure as mentioned in the table. The table explains the test assets creation for Test Suites, Test Cases and Test Steps in QMetry based on the structure of the Robot file.

Robot File Tag - Structure & Hierarchy

Tag that is created as QMetry Test Suite

Tag that is created as QMetry Test Case

Tag that is created as QMetry Test Case Step

Robot File Tag - Structure & Hierarchy

Tag that is created as QMetry Test Suite

Tag that is created as QMetry Test Case

Tag that is created as QMetry Test Case Step

suite>test case>steps

<suite> tag will be created as Test Suite.

<test> tag under the <suite> tag will be considered as Test Case.


<kw> tag under the<test> tag will be considered as Test Case Step.

suite>(sub/inner) suite>test case>steps

<(sub/inner) suite> tag under the <suite> tag will be considered as single Test Suite.

Multiple test suites will be created each (sub/inner) suites.

<test> tag under the <(sub/inner) suite> tag will be considered as Test Case.


<kw> tag under the <test> tag will be considered as Test Case Step.


suite>test case>steps>sub steps

<suite> tag will be considered as Test Suite

<test> tag under the <suite> tag will be considered as Test Case.

<kw> tag under the <test> tag will be considered as Test Case Step.

<kw> tag under the <kw> tag (i.e. sub steps) will be ignored and will not be imported into QMetry.


Supported file types : XML

Automation Hierarchy 1: suite>test case>steps

Sample File:


Automation Hierarchy 2: suite>sub suite>test case>steps

Sample File:


Automation Hierarchy 3: suite>test case>steps>sub steps

Sample File:

→ “Skip” status in the automation result file will be applied as "Not Applicable" instead of "Not Run" for automation test executions upload into QMetry.

Reuse Manual Test Cases









  • If Test Case Summary in QMetry matches with Test Case Tag as per the hierarchy described above, the same test case in QMetry will be updated.

  • If the Test Case Summary matches, but Step Description in QMetry does not match with Test Step Tag as per the hierarchy described above, then new version of the same test case will be created.

Reuse Automation Test Cases

Here, we anticipate that the file is imported in QMetry at least once. Now when the file is imported again -

  • If Test Case Summary and Step Description match: The same test case and its version will be reused and updated in QMetry.

  • If the Test Case Summary matches, but Step Description in QMetry does not match: A new version of test case will be created.

Import Execution Attachments

Testers want to import a Robot result file into QMetry by scheduling automation for test suite using Robot framework. During this test case creation and import of results, they also want to attach screenshot/attachments for the failed results during the automation. The attachments will be shown at test case level on the execution screen. Attachment names are not preserved when the result file is importted into QMetry. The file names are auto-generated anew.

To add attachments in test run execution, you need to capture the screenshots during execution of automation testing.

You can add attachments through either of the ways -

A. Uploading a Separate Zip file

  • The attachment file should be included in a Zip file.

  • The relative file path in the zip should be mentioned in the XML.

Note: Make sure you provide the relative path/folder location of the attachment as per the attached zip file for attachments so that the file can be captured directly from it.

B. Embedded File

  • The attachment file should be encoded as string in the XML file.

  • The attachment file should be base64 encoded in embedding tag of the result file.