Install Web Service Certification

The document describes steps to install certificate on Windows and Mac machines for web service recording.

Step 1. Go to QMetry menu > More Commands.


Step 2. Search “certificate” in the search box. Select Install Certificate for WebService Recording on the list.


For Windows Machine

1. The Certificate wizard opens. Click the Install Certificate button on it.


2. Select Local Machine as your Store Location and click Next.


3. Select Place all certificates in the following store and click Browse.

Step 6. A small window opens with the list of certificate store on it. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities.



4. The selected store is displayed in the Certificate store field. Click Next.



5. On the next screen, click Finish to start importing the certificate.


6. Once the certificate is imported, the success message window pops up. Click OK on the success window.

7. Now close the Certificate window by clicking OK on it.


For Mac Machine

1. A Keychain window will open where you can see the Web Service Certificate in the certificate list. Click on the certificate.


2. It opens corresponding certificate detail window. Mark as “Always Trust” for that particular certificate. Then close the window.

It may ask you to enter the password to grant permission. Enter user’s password and click OK.


Step 3. The web service certificate is installed on Windows/Mac machine. If the Test Recorder is already open in QAS, then close it and open it again. You can then continue with your web service test recording.