Execute Recorded Test Suites



The Execute Test Suites option allows users to execute test cases from the test suite level. For all the platforms, you get the option to execute the test cases on Local as well as Remote servers like LambdaTest, HeadSpin, SauceLab, etc. in accordance with the capabilities that have been defined for the platforms.

Execute a Test Suite

Each test suite can contain multiple test cases underneath. By executing a test suite you may be executing multiple test cases at a time.

Note: For Salesforce, the test cases will be executed in the same mode in which it was recorded. For example, if a test case is recorded in the Classic mode then it will be executed in the Classic mode only.

Step 1. To execute a single test suite, click the more icon for the test suite that you want to execute and select the Execute Test Suite option.


On selecting Execute Test Suite option on the test suite folder, the Execution Mode screen opens.

Step 2: QAS supports Single as well as Multiple session recording and execution for the platforms. So the users can record and execute their tests accordingly. The feature helps users save their time required for execution and debugging. The execution modes are explained later on this page.


On the Execution Mode screen, you can filter test cases to execute on the basis of their platforms, test case name or tags attached with the test case.

The default sequence of the test cases to be executed for a test suite is the order in which they are created. However, users have an option to re-order the sequence of the test case based on the logical workflow. Users can achieve this by either (A) dragging and dropping the test case or (B) changing the sequence number of the test case. Other test cases get adjusted accordingly.


Step 3: Select test cases to execute and click Next. The Execution Modes are explained below.

Execute Test Cases in a Single Session

You can execute a test suite with Single Session when the test cases are required to be run in a series i.e. one after another. Single Session execution will preserve session variables in multiple test cases and initiate the execution of test cases one after another in sequence. It basically covers a single scenario distributed in multiple test cases with sharing session variable.

Single Session will work only if all the test cases are recorded in the same session. Read Record Test Cases in a Single Session .

On the Execution Mode screen, select Single as the Execution Mode and click Execute.


You can observe that the browser remains open for all the test cases- Login to Logout.

The execution is carried out in a single session.

Execute Test Cases in Multiple Sessions

This option is used when test cases have to be executed in a sequential mode; however, the test cases are independent of each other. Test Cases will be executed sequentially in multiple sessions one by one. The session variables will not be preserved between the two sessions. After the execution of a test case, the browser will close for the next execution. It will create a new session for every execution.

Example: The following is an example of multiple session recording.

  • Test Suite: MultipleSession is recorded with two independent test cases

    • Test Case1: Credit Amount

    • Test Case 2: Debit Amount

Once the test case CreditAmount is created, the recording is stopped and another test case is created with the new recording.


Execute a test suite with Multiple Sessions

Step 1. To execute a test suite, click the more icon for the test suite that you want to execute and select the Execute Test Suite option.

Step 2. Select test cases to execute and click Next.

The Execution Mode screen opens.

Step 3. Select Capabilities for the platform. You can execute the selected test cases on Local as well as on Remote servers as per the capabilities configured for the platforms.

Step 4. Select Multiple sessions to execute the test suite and click Execute.


You can observe that the browser opens and closes for each test case execution in the test suite.

The execution is carried out in multiple sessions.

Execute Test Cases in Multiple Sessions (Parallel)

This option will be used when the test cases have to be used independently without any sequence to be followed. This option will execute all the test cases in parallel mode at the same time which saves test suite execution time. All the test cases under the test suite will be executed simultaneously at the same time. You can see multiple executions running for the test cases. It is useful when the test cases are not dependent on each other.

Note: This option is not available for execution in Self Healing mode.

Example: The following is an example of multiple session recording.

  • Test Suite: MultipleSession is recorded with two independent test cases

    • Test Case1: Credit Amount

    • Test Case 2: Debit Amount

Once the test case CreditAmount is created, the recording is stopped and another test case is created with the new recording.

Execute a test suite with Multiple Sessions

Step 1. To execute a test suite, click the more icon for the test suite that you want to execute and select the Execute Test Suite option.


Step 2. Select test cases to execute and click Next.


Step 3. Select Multiple (Parallel) as the Execution Mode and click Execute.


The execution initializes. The result screen pops up once the execution process is completed.

You can observe that the browsers are opening simultaneously for each test case and executing the test cases in parallel.

The execution is carried out in multiple sessions and in parallel (unlike Multiple Session which runs one after another).


Execute Test Cases in Multiple Sessions by Platform

The executions will start in all the platforms simultaneously. The test case(s) will be executed sequentially in each platform.

Note: Currently QAS does not support Execution on Windows, iOS and Android platforms through multiple sessions by platform at a time.

Step 1. To execute a test suite that contains test cases recorded on multiple platforms, click the more icon for the test suite and select the Execute Test Suite option.

The Execution Mode screen opens.

Step 2. Select test cases to execute. You can filter test cases on Platform and test case text/tags. After selecting the test cases for execution, click Next.


Step 3. Select Multiple Session By Platform as the Execution Mode and click Execute.


The execution initializes. You can observe that the test runs on all the platforms simultaneously. The test cases will run sequentially within each platform.

The result screen displays the results once the execution process is completed.


If you want to upload the execution results to either QMetry Test Management (QTM) or QMetry for Jira - Test Management tool (QTM4J), click on the Upload button.

View WebDriver Version

You can see the WebDriver version by hovering over the browser icon on the execution result screen.