Salesforce Scan

QMetry Automation Studio provides a stable testing platform for testing different Salesforce apps/modules. The Salesforce Scanner in QAS lets you scan your Salesforce instance without any hassle. It creates the structure of Salesforce modules quickly which allows you to jump-start creating test cases and saves your efforts to scan apps/modules individually. The locator's files for Salesforce are generated in QAS which can be used to write/customize the test scripts and simplify the filling of Salesforce forms.

QAS Salesforce Scan connects to your Salesforce instance. It creates Salesforce Modules from all controls that can be accessed and generates module locators in the locator repository.



Generate the Loc files

The Salesforce Scan feature helps you generate the locator files of your desired Salesforce modules. QAS uses Salesforce Open APIs to get modules and corresponding locators. Module wise folders are then created and saved as .loc file in QAS.


1. Open the Test Recorder in QAS.

2. Go to the LOC Resources panel at the bottom left.

3. Click on the more icon for web and click Salesforce Scan.

The Salesforce Scan screen opens.

4. Fill in the required details. To know about how to generate Consumer Key and Consumer Secret, refer to

5. Then click Submit.

Once you log into Salesforce, you get the list of modules.

6. Select the module for which you want to generate the locator file. For example, here we are selecting the Lead module to get the loc file for the module.

The loc file is generated for the selected module(s).

In Test Recorder, you can see the .loc file is added for the module in the LOC Resources section at the bottom left. The loc file displays keys and corresponding locators for the module.

You can use the captured locators in customizing the test scrip. Refer to for more details.