How to completely uninstall QMetry Add-On from Jira Instance?

How to completely uninstall QMetry Add-On from Jira Instance?

To completely remove the QMetry Add-On from your Jira instance along with the QMetry Issues kindly follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Manually delete the QMetry Issues from your Jira instance:
    1. Search for QMetry Issues in Jira search by the JQL :   issuetype in ("Test Case","Test Run","Test Scenario")
    2. Bulk delete the issues obtained from Step 1.
  • Delete QMetry Issue types from your Jira instance:
    1. Choose  > Issues
    2. Select Issue Types to open the Issue Types page, which lists all issue types.
    3. Click the Delete link (in the Operations column) for the issue type Test Case, Test Scenario and Test Run one by one.
    4. Complete the fields.

  • Finally, after all the QMetry Issue types and Issues have been removed, you need to uninstall the QMetry Add-on from your Jira Instance:
    1. Choose  > Add-ons > Manage add-ons.
    2. Locate QMetry for Jira-Test Management.
    3. Select Uninstall.

You can also delete the SQL table containing QMetry Add-on's data from your database, before performing this action it is suggested to take a backup of your database. After you have backed up your data, you need to drop the table 'ao_5a68f6_*' from your database. However, QMetry Support does not recommend performing this step and doesn't take any responsibility for any data loss.