Troubleshooting - QMetry Test Management for Jira screens appear blank and content fails to load.

Issue: While accessing the QMetry Test Management for Jira screens, users may face the issue where the screen remains completely blank & the content fails to load.

Causes & Solution:

This error may occur due to the following browser configurations:

Probable Reason 1: Third-party cookies are blocked by the local web browser.
Solution: Unblock the third-party cookies for your local web browser. Refer to our below articles on how to enable third-party cookies based on the choice of your browser: 

  1. Chrome browser.

  2. Edge browser.

Probable Reason 2: The cache cookies OR user preferences saved in the browser storage are corrupted/inaccessible.

  1. Clear the browser cache & cookies. You can refer to this Google article to clear the cookies on Chrome browser.

  2. Clear the stored user preferences from your browser's local storage. Here is our help article for detailed steps on removing the stored user preferences.

Probable Reason 3: The installation of the QTM4J app was abrupt or faulty.
Solution: In case the above troubleshooting steps do not resolve the issue, try to uninstall & re-install the QTM4J app on your affected Jira instance, if feasible. 

Probable Reason 4: (If connected to any VPN network) The organization's VPN network might be blocking the QMetry API calls.
Solution: Try to reproduce the issue outside your VPN network. If you are able to access QMetry outside of the VPN network, reach out to your IT Administration team to make the necessary configuration changes to the VPN network.

Probable Reason 5: The Browser Cache might be disabled at your end.
Solution: Open the Developer Tools of your local Browser > Navigate to the ‘Network' tab > Uncheck the 'Disable cache’ option if checked. Refer to the below screenshot:

After unchecking the option, refresh the Test Management screen.

If the issue persists, reach out to QMetry Support with the captured HAR and Console logs.